9 April 2019 Autentik Events

The animation of your party: How to choose the tops and avoid the flops?

The event animations are not necessarily a success at every company party. If some of them precisely meet certain objectives and offer your employees a friendly environment adapted to their expectations, others, on the contrary, can turn sour. Our specialists give you their advice on how to avoid a fiasco and maximize your chances of success at your event.

Think about the theme of the event for a perfect coherence


One of the golden rules of event animation is to adapt the theme to the state of mind of your guests and to the place
chosen for your event. Thus, for a “premium” corporate event organized in a place where refinement and elegance are the key words, you should rather go for the appropriate animations (wine tasting, fusion cooking classes…).

If it is a trendy event organized in a contemporary and design place, digital animations are highly recommended: augmented reality, virtual reality, visual show, facade mapping and other elements of this category will be quite appropriate!

For a corporate event focused on team building, the preferred venue will be authentic, far from cold and uncluttered arrangements, in favor of a unifying setting (no more designer hotels and conference rooms that are too neutral). Consequently, the theme of your animation will have to be federative by privileging the collective participation of the guests (photocall, participative workshop, gourmet animation, escape game…). As professionals in event organization, we can advise you on the choice of an appropriate theme for your event(s), depending on your objectives and the location chosen for your evening.


Avoid the “too much” effect

animation-culinaryCertainly, animations are a key element to enhance your event with an original and immersive note but like any good thing, you must know how to consume it in moderation. In other words, focus on quality over quality. Instead of planning several activities in a short period of time to maximize leisure time during your event, think instead about an animation that corresponds to the state of mind of your company but also to that of your employees: organize a theatrical improvisation session to let the creativity of the participants speak, challenge your teams with games, orienteering race or other if they have the spirit of competition… So many animations that will allow you to meet your objectives more effectively and make your employees live a pleasant moment.

Think about time and timing

batteryAlthough it is pleasant for your collaborators to be able to meet outside of work time, you will still have to think about the time factor for your animations. If the latter are too long, the effect of originality can fade and give way to exasperation, even boredom. You will also have to think about a strategic moment to place your animations. If you plan to incorporate them at the end of the evening, your guests may leave before the end or be less attentive.

Our Autentik Event advice: for an event of about 5 hours, two animations of about 40 minutes represent an optimal rhythm, neither too short nor too long.


Choosing your service provider


A tip that seems obvious and yet crucial! Choosing a reliable service provider means ensuring that your events are organized in a timely manner with a quality presenter who has experience in front of an audience. So remember to check the references of your service providers or, better yet, entrust your event to an expert in the field!


Our teams can provide you with their expertise of the market and help you find a good quality provider, adapted to your project.

121, rue d’Aguesseau

+33 1 77 45 51 51


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