8 September 2020 Mirana RAJAOBELINA

We were there: back to the Heavent Cannes 2020 exhibition

Organized in Cannes on September 1st and 2nd, the Heavent 2020 show is a sign of renewal for the event industry. After several months of inactivity following the spread of Covid-19, this first event dedicated to professionals is seen as the first act of a reboot in progress. More than 300 exhibitors took part in the program.

Heavent 2020: Cannes gets its colors back

Heavent Cannes 2020The first post-Covid trade show dedicated to professionals was organized in the heart of the mythical Palais des Congrès in Cannes. Heavent is dedicated to business tourism and the event industry. Despite the easing of the restrictive measures by the authorities, the bet was not won in advance, as the context is still wavering.

Heavent was held in strict compliance with the sanitary rules in force. In order to limit the concentration of the groups as much as possible, many appointments and meetings took place beforehand. Meetings between decision-makers and exhibitors were also organized in advance.

Although there were fewer spontaneous contacts, the conferences and three networking evenings could be scheduled.

The pride of having succeeded in the recovery

Heavent EventHeavent is more than just an event. His success is a true symbol. At Autentik Events as well as at the other actors of the event industry, business tourism and MICE, the smiles were frank and sincere. Between top decision-makers, visitors and exhibitors, the desire to renew the link was strong. We have witnessed the great solidarity of the actors of the event industry.

The agency took part in this first post-Covid French event and is happy to have exchanged with its partners. In addition, the programmed conferences were of high quality. In particular, they addressed the subject of recovery and the future evolution of organizations.

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