24 April 2019 Autentik Events

Event venues: the disconnected venues in France!

At a time of hyperconnection in every corner of France, an event trend has emerged in recent years: the totally disconnected places. The principle: leave aside any digital-related element, and focus on a “real” experience without any digital tools or services. Whether it is to disconnect in the green or in a place forbidden to digital devices, there are several places in France that allow you to realize your event in this perspective. Our specialists tell you more.

Special “digital detox” places

place-detoxFrance is fortunate to have many natural sites where it is good to leave the screen for a green setting. Even better, it is possible to enjoy a relaxing setting while opting for a “digital detox” kit. There is no better way to offer your employees to leave their computers and other digital equipment behind, in order to get away from their usual work environment and take some time to breathe. This is notably the case of some establishments in France (castles, spa hotels, unusual accommodations), surrounded by a vast green space, offering their guests to enter their universe without connection by trading their digital tools for postcards, paper, pencil, but also outdoor activities. The idea is to propose to overworked professionals to get out of their “digital bubble” for a long weekend, for example, in order to regain productivity and minimize the overload of information they receive daily. At Autentik Event, we can propose you various types of places corresponding to your event project, by also envisaging various activities within the framework of a digital detoxification for your collaborators.

The wellness places to reconnect to yourself

places-well-beingIn addition to places specialized in digital detox, some offer activities related to well-being, in order to leave the professional world for a while and indulge in meditative and relaxation activities.
The goal? Helping you to focus better in the workplace by giving your brain a break, but also providing a framework to reduce the stress that has accumulated in your work environment. Because the constant connection can generate a neuronal overactivity, whose effects are potentially negative for our body: fatigue, anxiety, insomnia… Some places go as far as proposing a re-education in order to reduce our digital addiction. In this perspective, we are able to direct you towards the different wellness places, according to your budget, the duration of your event while linking this event project to your professional objectives (digital re-education, optimization of the concentration, reduction of the stress)…

Unusual places for a disconnection off the beaten track

unusualIt’s time to disconnect but also to find unusual accommodations, making the link with nature. Realize your event in a perched hut, a trailer, a yurt or a sailboat while cutting all digital connection, it is the guarantee to realize an event out of the ordinary! The ideal way to offer your employees a new and original setting, far from their daily professional life. Once again, our teams are at your disposal to propose different types of accommodation and unusual places, adapted to your program.

At Autentik Events, we are following the trend of disconnected events in order to offer our clients a new environment and help them to better refocus within their workplace. Do not hesitate to entrust us with your event project!

121, rue d’Aguesseau

+33 1 77 45 51 51


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