26 December 2019 Autentik Events

A look back at the 2019 digital innovations

innovations digitales 2019

In all areas, and in the organization of seminars and incentives in particular, digital innovations abounded in 2019. A new way to rethink motivation and team cohesion! Check out some of these concepts that will continue to enliven your corporate events in 2020.

Augmented reality: a digital innovation that puts content into perspective

The democratization of smartphones and tablets brings a real added value to treasure hunts and games organized as part of a team building. Indeed, if the brochures allow to inform, the augmented reality allows to see the monuments and the historical sites in their context. A small forest will be displayed as a famous battlefield on the screen, with a pictorial or filmed staging. A street will be reconstructed in its original context. From the streets of Paris to Verdun through the arenas of Nîmes, History takes on another dimension.

Virtual reality (VR): redefining interactions

With virtual reality, a simple conference room can be transformed into a huge playground. Thanks to a headset and sensors, this technology allows you to scan the walls and take your employees to an infinite number of settings and worlds. Without moving, we can organize outings in the forest or surreal intergalactic trips. Multiplayer shooting games are also available to face in team targets that evolve in 360°. It is a great way to strengthen the cohesion between your employees.


Multiplex events: a digital trend to bring together remote sites

For a company that operates in many cities, organizing a seminar is a considerable logistical challenge. The development of high speed internet and video transmission technologies allows today to organize a seminar in several places simultaneously. The main advantage of this technology is to emphasize the sense of belonging and unity of remote teams. For a product launch or any other big event, it is also possible to send video streams to YouTube, Facebook and other social networks. The reach of the new digital tools is tremendous and constitutes a low cost advertising.

Artificial intelligence: the new guest of your corporate events

Watching a machine learn to play the piano, seeing a soccer match between robots or chatting with a virtual avatar are some of the applications of artificial intelligence in the incentive sector. Within the company, deep learning allows to determine the best activities to program during a team building. Based on the company’s database and the various interactions on the networks, common tastes emerge. The consent of the employees is of course necessary. It is therefore essential to explain the proper use of data to reassure them. Artificial intelligence can finally identify the most dedicated employees. This will allow them to be rewarded individually in an unbiased manner.

Autentik Events will accompany you to take up these technological challenges in order to boost or remotivate your team, or to give an exceptional dimension to your corporate events.

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+33 1 77 45 51 51


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